Thursday 25 August 2016


An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. Electromagnets usually consist of wire wound into a coil. A current through the wire creates a magnetic field which is concentrated in the hole, denoting the center of the coil. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off. Mechanically, an electromagnet is pretty simple.

It consists of a length of conductive wire, usually copper, wrapped around a piece of metal.

Like Frankenstein’s monster, this seems like little more than a loose collection of parts until electricity comes into the picture. Unlike a permanent magnet, the strength of an electromagnet can easily be changed by changing the amount of electric current that flows through it. The poles of an electromagnet can even be reversed by reversing the flow of electricity. Magnets like the one you made that can be turned on and off, are called ELECTROMAGNETS.

They run on electricity and are only magnetic when the electricity is flowing. The electricity flowing through the wire arranges the molecules in the nail so that they are attracted to certain metals. Since electricity can be turned on and off, so can an electromagnet. It can even be weakened or.

Magnetic equipment for all process industries.

Proudly Made in the USA. Moving charges create magnetic fields, so when the coils of wire in an electromagnet have an electric current passing through them, the coils behave like a magnet. The granddaddy of electromagnetism is Michael Faraday, a chemist and physicist who architected many of the theories later built upon by Maxwell. One reason Faraday is so much more prominent in history than Maxwell or Oersted is probably due to his being such a prolific researcher and inventor.

Simply add current via the Genecon to visually demonstrate the relationship between electricity and magnetism. With this electromagnet , your students can more easily visualize the relationship between electricity and magnetism. What is an electromagnet ? It is usually wound around an iron core. However, it could be wound around an air core, in which case it is called a solenoid. A short quiz will follow.

This industrial electromagnet magnet is equipped with volts of direct current with pounds of magnetic suck. How do I make an electromagnet ? If you attach a battery to the wire, an electric current will begin to flow and the iron core will become magnetized. When a wire carrying electricity is coile the magnetic field becomes even stronger. Normal magnets are called permanent magnets. It has a north and south pole and it attracts steel and iron.

In a simple example, an electromagnet can pick up pieces of iron, nickel, and cobalt. The current can also be increased to make the magnetism stronger.

Round electromagnets handle ferrous materials safely and securely. The strength of electromagnets varies, but some electromagnets are strong enough to lift entire trains! A complete line of DC and AC electromagnets from stock, power supplies, custom units, and magnetic products.

Magnet Sheets and Rolls with adhesive or vinyl.

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