Thursday 5 October 2017

Feng shui for wealth

What is the color of money in feng shui? Where to place the feng shui Money Frog? There are many simple and easy feng shui tips around money to use in your space for strong wealth energy. The focus on attracting material wealth is actually one of the reasons feng shui became so popular in the West, since we’ve heard about many business tycoons using feng shui for more profits and stronger financial security.

In feng shui , water is wealth , and a leak is both literally and figuratively a leak of precious resources.

That’s why fixing leaks will help you save and retain money, rather than watching it flow out just as soon as it flows in. This sector is responsible for wealth, prosperity and financial success. This energy brings prosperity, success and power. Use feng shui fountains – a powerful feng shui cure to attract wealth and fresh Chi.

If a fountain will not work in your space or you are just not comfortable with the idea, you can use images of flowing water such as waterfalls, rivers, etc. Wood is the feng shui element of the money or wealth area, and the color blue and images of water will nourish wood. A small water feature, such as a fountain, can greatly enhance a money center.

Properly placed mirrors can multiply the prosperity-power of a money area, especially if the mirrors reflect natural scenes or blue colors.

Fill Your Cart With Color today! Free 2-day Shipping On Millions of Items. Wealth Area : The wealth or money area is generally located at the oblique 45℃ position facing the living room or bedroom as soon as you enter into the door. The beautiful soft yellow crystal will assist you in reaching your goals and achieving prosperity. A cluttered wallet, stuffed full of receipts, coupons, photos and cards severely reduces your ability to attract wealth and abundance.

Adopting feng shui principles in and around your home or office takes acquiring the necessary knowledge to achieve the best. With the feng shui money areas, you will be able to manipulate your interior design to tap into these wealth areas and build a happier, healthier and more prosperous life. The feng shui wealth vase is one of the oldest feng shui abundance and money cures. The Wealth Vase generates vibes in our minds to remind us of money seeking opportunities, which will enhance business luck tremendously.

Alternatively, you can use a purple vase that can work as your Prosperity Vase, where you can put money in everyday as you are imagining this money growing like magic beans into a huge money tree that will take you to that giant in the sky. Feng Shui Money Areas Summary. Let the energy of this bracelet help you achieve your financial goals in life. In feng shui wealth means having more business, assets and properties that put money in your pocket and grow like a tree (in value.) Imagine money growing on trees.

Doesnt that give you a feeling of abundance and security? Its this same feeling that brings you more feng shui wealth. Also the north is regarded as the secondary feng shui wealth corner.

This is the corner that ensures that you donot lose your job or your lifestyle and you have a steady flow of income.

It can be called your career corner. But its the south east will help you accumulate wealth and assets and to enjoy prosperity luck.

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